JUST what Farnworth needs ­— yet another fast-food takeaway like KFC!

It appears that every time a shop or premises closes in Farnworth, it inevitably re-opens as a takeaway.

Albert Road is literally littered with takeaways.

There are four next to one another at the top end of the road and several more further down.

Bolton Council and the Bolton Clinical Commissioning group have already expressed their concern about the increasing problem of obesity in children and adults in Farnworth with associated poor diets and about the proliferation of takeaways offering food with a high fat, high salt content.

Given the high levels of poverty and deprivation in Farnworth, it amazes me how these large numbers of takeaways flourish, but flourish they do evidently.

How can our ward councillors possibly think that yet another (albeit large franchise operation) takeaway could possibly be of benefit to Farnworth?

They got rid of the market where folk could buy fresh vegetables and better value food and clothing only to replace it by a relatively expensive takeaway.

And they call that an improvement?

They see a handful of poorly paid part-time employment opportunities as an acceptable compromise against an increase in litter made up of drink cans and non-recyclable food trays and an even greater contribution to obesity and poor health.

For a councillor to say that the takeaway operators will be made to take responsibility for the discarded food trays, cans and wrappings shows nativity in the extreme.

These takeaway operators neither know nor care what happens to the food wrappers once the customer leaves the premises.

Do these same councillors not look around them after closing time of these same takeaway premises?

I am a Farnworth resident and I have to clear away daily, food wrappers, pizza boxes, trays and cans which have been carelessly tossed into my garden after the contents have been consumed.

Farnworth folk need proper jobs and access to decent, more competitively priced fruit and vegetables than more damned takeaways.

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