I WAS shocked to read the Bolton News article “Our lane has been desecrated by builders”.

I found it extremely hypocritical.

In April, 2017 the Lostock Hall and Gatehouse application for 13 houses was heard by Bolton Planning Committee.

My fellow Labour ward councillor Stephen Pickup fully supported local residents in their concerns and wrote an objection on their behalf.

I myself being a Planning Committee member moved this application to be refused for numerous reasons, including the impact on Mill Lane.

I find Chris Green MP and Susan Baines' comments to be disingenuous, as neither objected to this planning application.

In fact, all of their Tory councillor colleagues who sit on planning moved to pass this application and recommend conditions to alter Mill Lane to its present state.

Yet we see the headline-grabbing antics of Chris Green MP and Cllr Baines objecting to the development passed by all their fellow Tory members. Unbelievable.

Councillor Ann Cunliffe

Horwich and Blackrod

Executive Cabinet Member for Children