IAN Greenhalgh’s latest rant, “we cannot lose Jeremy Corbyn”(Letters, September 4) is really quite wretched.

It would appear that Mr Greenhalgh is either very naïve or perhaps he is as portentous as the great leader he currently worships and quite clearly believes to be divine.

The fact of the matter is Jeremy Corbyn is not the harmless, touchy feely kind of socialist that once was synonymous with the Labour party. Far from it.

This malevolent individual is a completely unrelated animal and is a far different category of ‘socialist’.

He is one whose ideologies closely parallel those such as the likes of Carl Marx, Lenin, and Stalin, Mao to name but a few, and of course, let’s not forget Hitler, who incidentally deep down was a kind of socialist too and very anti-Semitic also — not too dissimilar it would seem to Jeremy Corbyn.

It has to be emphatically stated at this point that Jeremy Corbyn has a well documented track record for cuddling up to, endorsing and openly supporting perhaps some of the most vile individuals and terrorist organisations in the world, and Mr Greenhalgh actually thinks that “we cannot lose Jeremy Corbyn”.

To which I — and I’ve no doubt the vast majority of people — would say “that we most definitely can lose him, and for good too, the sooner the better”.

Stuart A Chapman

