I READ with interest our MPs' calls for more money for the Royal Bolton Hospital - something I have been campaigning for over the past five years.

Until now I always felt that our MPs thought that the hospital was correctly funded - so I welcome their conversion to my campaign for a fully-funded hospital.

I appreciate Mr Iddon's call for the plugging of the £650,000 needed to fill the recent pay award of 2.75 per cent for the staff, which was much needed and much deserved.

However, what about the chronic underfunding over the past four years which has seen the hospital having to find cuts of on average £5 million year-on-year?

And what about the hundreds of jobs that have been lost over the same period?

Ruth Kelly, MP for Bolton West, states that she thinks it is vital that the hospital continues to maintain the investments in services.

I have to say I agree, but I would ask her how are they expected to pay for these investments when we are continually asking the staff to find substantial cuts in many areas?

Harry Hanley, the Unison trade union branch secretary, stated that he is pleased to see all three off our MPs working together.

But I urge caution - please do not be deceived into what some might say is a pre-May 1 election ploy to deceive voters. After May 1, let's see how much banging of the tables and shouting from the roofs they do for this extra money.

While we have a leader of the Council who is also the chairman of the Hospital Board, I don't see a lot changing. From any point of view, this must be a conflict of interest.

I and my colleagues will continue to challenge the hospital to ensure that the public get the NHS they deserve.

If this extra money arrives, I will be proved wrong and I will gladly hold my hands up to that fact. In the meantime, I won't hold my breath.

Cllr Andy Morgan Hulton ward