I'M pleased to see another who is as concerned about dog fouling as I am (Please think before you snap, Your Views, April 11).

As far as anti-social behaviour goes, leaving dog litter has to be the most despicable. Many a time I wish I'd been armed with a camera to catch such a villain.

Well done the "unpleasant gentleman" who photographed J Rowlands, who, if they are as clean and conscientious as they claim to be, should be thankful that someone is so willing to take the time and trouble to try and keep Bromley Cross (one of our better districts) clean. And trouble it could well be for that brave man if someone took offence and resorted to violence - what a sick nation we have become.

Compared to places like Scandinavia, Holland, Germany, Switzerland and Malaysia (Singapore calls itself a city in a garden and justifiably so) Britain is little better than a festering cesspit. Don't our hospitals "tell" us so?

Dog owners who pick up their dog litter might think they are being responsible, but isn't a responsible dog owner one who has trained their pet (their family member) to defecate within their own boundaries? Preferably on a dedicated flagged area which can be kept as clean and bacteria free as a toilet should be.

Is that taking hygiene too far? Surely not, if we want to clean up our country and our hospitals.

Doesn't dog litter harbour bacteria that can lead to loss of sight?Where does dog litter end up if it's not picked up or cleaned properly? On shoes, in the car, on seats or on carpets? And if it is on school fields, football pitches, then it must surely end up children's fingers.

Keep up the good work that "most unpleasant gentleman."

Here's to many more taking up the fight for a cleaner, more responsible nation.

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