THE residents of Seymour Road in Astley Bridge are experiencing problems regarding people parking their cars when a production is on at the Seymour Road Theatre Church.

These people are double parking in Seymour Road, Goresham Street, Sherwood Street, Wilton Street and Norton Street. Have they no respect for the residents living in this area?

There are signs on the Theatre Church gates telling them not to park in front of residents' houses, but they take no notice. They think it is their right to park anywhere.

The residents welcomed the opening up of Seymour Road, with access to Blackburn Road and Crompton Way, but all this is spoiling it for them.

On Saturday, April 12, a taxi driver and an ambulance, which needed to go to Wilton Street at 8.50pm, were experiencing extreme difficulty reaching their destinations.

Please have some consideration for the residents of Seymour Road and surrounding areas.

Name and address supplied