CLLR John Walsh is either deliberately trying to mislead the public, or he is simply very confused about the Conservative position on the issue of the congestion charge.

I was at the last full meeting of the council and I clearly saw him and the Conservative Group vote to oppose a referendum on the congestion charge. I believe the people of Bolton deserve the right to have a say on this important issue.

One minute the Conservatives say they want a referendum, the next they vote against their own position - they appear to change their mind in the space of a heartbeat.

The electorate have a right to feel confused with the Tories flip-flopping on this important issue.

The fact is that both the Tories and Lib Dems have policies that could impose a congestion charge on Bolton. Both the Tories and the Lib Dems back a congestion charge.

The current Tory leader, David Cameron, has quite clearly stated, "Britain now needs a concerted programme of road building, including new solutions for road charging based on usage and the time of day".

I believe the residents of Bolton pay enough tax, and Tory stealth taxes on our roads in Bolton are completely unacceptable to me, and I'm sure will be unacceptable to the electorate.

Only Labour's position is clear. Labour is on the side of hard working families, and Labour says "no" to a congestion charge! We need to defend our town's roads. There will be no Congestion Charge in Bolton under a Labour Council.

Jesamine Kay Labour Candidate for Little Lever & Darcy Lever