WHILE I sympathise with the teachers' plight, I take exception to remarks made by the NUT leader in Bolton (April 17).

The union tells us it is a last resort - just like striking was the postmen's last resort? I think not.

I was a trade unionist and a shop steward, and we went down every avenue of action before we called a strike.

The "last resort" is the last course of action. The postmen were not offered the choice of a work to rule first,.

I would bet that a work to rule was not mentioned to teachers in their vote.

By working to rule, you show the managers up for what they are - by working to their rules and showing the job cannot be done. You also take home a pay packet.

The only people who benefit from a strike are union leaders. They are on full pay, calling for the strike, while their members suffer.

So, work to rule first - then comes the last resort.

Mr J O'Connor Redcar Road Little Lever