I regret that Mr I Heyes is upset that the BNP is a legal Political Party but are they worse than the Communist Party? (“Be clear — BNP is a fascist party”, The Bolton News, November 26).

The communist “Bogey man” is the capitalist. I think that 50 million deaths is an exaggeration but I understand his meaning. However, that is a conservative figure for the deaths that the Communist Party inflicted in the name of democracy. Ask the Ukranians, ask the Poles, ask the Latvians, Lithuanians, even ask the Finns, Yugoslavs, Albanians. Who is the worst?

What about the militant tendency who destroyed our schools, who destroyed the United Kingdom, who obstructed all mention of the great things that we did in the emerging world of the 17/1800s? Who was it that abolished world slavery wherever it was found? Great Britain? Yet because of militant tendency it is assumed that we instigated it. If you condemn the fascists then you must condemn the communists.

Is there free speech under the communists? It is presumptive to assume the loss of free speech under fascism (BNP) when it is proven under communism (Labour Party)? You only have to look at the loss of freedom under this Labour Government.

Lastly, don’t presume my political affiliation because I defend freedom; as did your father.

Peter Greenhalgh, Belmont Road, Bolton