REGARDING the ongoing debate over whether or not a soldier has the right to refuse to fight, and possibly kill, another human, may I make my personal observation that soldiers have rights, too.

This right extends to knowing what is legal, moral and justifiable. The fact that soldiers are expected to obey on demand, even in situations that can be deemed as less than totally legal or necessary, is a dangerous concept and it is about time it was stopped.

For too long, officers have made decisions that have had to be obeyed, not because they were the right, but simply because they were officers. The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan are not a threat to the United Kingdom, so technically, our soldiers are not defending Queen and country, but rather being used as chess pieces in someone else’s game.

Our government is guilty of illegal invasions simply to look good in the USA’s eyes. That brave soldier who refused to fight or kill in what he conceived as an illegal war was simply defending his right not to commit an illegal act.

If Brown and his government are so concerned in defending a foreign country, then they should join up and get over there themselves.

Support our armed forces, yes, but bring them back to what they should be defending.

Dr G C Gibson Czech republic