I read with some concern the article "Threat of strike at cuts crisis hospital".

Although I would never condone strike action, I certainly share UNISON's concerns with the currently proposed cuts at the hospital and how those cuts might affect patient care.

UNISON's members have contact with the public on a daily basis, and will inevitably have to try to explain any cuts in services on behalf of the hospital's management. This must be very hard for staff if they believe the cuts are affecting patient care and safety.

When the last financial year's cuts were tabled by the hospital directors, they were "sweetened" with the promise that once these cuts were made and the hospital finances were back in the black, no more cuts, apart from normal efficiency savings, were proposed.

I know that UNISON and its members, like myself, were more than shocked at the scale of cuts for this year. I can assure staff that, like them, I will be watching very closely to make sure that any efficiencies or cuts do not affect patient care and the safety of patients and staff .

If they do, then I for one will do all I can to highlight the issues with hospital management on behalf of both staff and the public.

The directors and all the staff at the hospital did some excellent work last year to meet what were very challenging financial targets, and there was also some excellent work done with regards to the redesign of services and the way services are provisioned. The targets were only achieved because of the teamwork demonstrated by all staff.

If that teamwork is not in place this year, then I have grave concerns that the proposed targets will not be met and patient care will suffer.

Andy Morgan Councillor, Hulton Ward