I THINK that Lisa Daly, and those other women who have written attacking Mr Marshall for his opinions, really should waken up to reality.

When it comes to making decisions of real importance, men are indeed far superior. And so it is in our household.

I decide, for example, when the Prime Minister should resign, and, even more importantly, who should replace him Likewise, I decide whether Britain should renew its nuclear deterrent, and whether or not we should embark on the construction of a new generation of nuclear power stations. I decide what the current level of interest rates should be, and whether a fourth level of income tax should be introduced.

Indeed, I am so busy considering such matters, I scarcely have time for anything else.

I leave my wife to take the more mundane, less important, decisions, such as what we should eat for breakfast, dinner and tea.

I even allow her to do the shopping, although I do often accompany her to lighten the load by pushing the trolley.

When it comes to the garden, she decides what plants we are to buy, and where they are to go, although I do the really important job of actually planting them.

She decides when I need to run the vacuum cleaner round, and when the windows need cleaning, although of course I actually clean them.

So you see, Lisa, it is better to accept reality, and leave the important things to us men.

David Haworth, Upper Mead, Egerton