IN response to John Turner's letter, "We have been priced out of sports venues", (Bolton Evening News, July 29), about being "priced off" at Leverhulme Park running stadium.

I would like to question where he obtained his information before going public with his criticism.

Had his daughter joined Bolton Harriers and purchased an outdoor track pass from the stadium reception, she would have been able to train all year round for a maximum of 47p per session, considerably less if Mr Turner is not in employment.

For that, she would have had the use of one of the best training facilities in the North-west and had access to a vast wealth of coaching experience, provided completely free of charge by coaches who are qualified, experienced and unpaid volunteers.

If Mr Turner would like his daughter to join the Harriers, I would be very happy to charge him a membership fee that equates to £1 a session. It would be three times our normal rate.

This town should be proud of the facilities at Leverhulme Park and to have a club such a Bolton Harriers I know that I am.

The community (especially for kids), would be a far worse place without our contribution.

Mark Power, Membership Secretary, Bolton United Harriers