I would just like to endorse many of the comments made regarding the need to save Animal World in Moss Bank Park.

Bolton Unison is concerned that a whole range of valuable frontline services are under threat as a direct result of government cutbacks.

Understandably, frontline workers desperately want to defend the services that they work so hard to provide.

The Animal World and Butterfly House attract many thousands of visitors each year.

They are well used as an educational resource by local schools and nurseries.

Lots of people simply can’t afford the admission prices at animal attractions elsewhere.

Animal World and the Butterfly House are unique and accessible to all and residents of Bolton are proud of this service which attracts visitors to the town.

Animal World helps provide customers to local business set up on the park.

We have already received a great deal of positive support from lots of local people, particularly many families with young children or disabled relatives who appreciate the accessibility of these local amenities, and feel strongly that Animal World and Butterfly House should be saved.

We are protesting against the closure. Readers are welcome to come join us. We will be at Animal World at 11am on Sunday, December 5.

Readers can also tell Bolton Council why Animal World and Butterfly House should be saved from closure: website: bolton.gov.uk/haveyoursay or call 01204 331075. As a trade union, we will continue to try and work with the council to look at a range of options to maintain these amenities.

Further Unison information on campaigning against the cuts is available from the Bolton unison website www.unisonbolton.org Andrea Egan Assistant Branch Secretary Bolton Unison