I am writing about the rubbish (being the ultimate word) service we are not receiving from Bolton Council.

Four weeks on the trot now, our bins in Sunny Garth have not been emptied.

I can understand whilst the snow was here that they did not come but . . .

Last week — black bins all put out, street absolutely fine to drive on but no collection! We saw the bin wagon at 11:30am and thought “great it will be emptied”.

Got back home and bin not emptied. So the waste men managed to empty the bins in Broadwalk and Poplar Grove, but not our street.

Today — all bins out including recycling bins as is our allocated day and now at 16:35pm they are still out and full and many many black bin bags lying on the pavement which looks disgraceful. Called the offices — closed!

I am writing about the rubbish (being the ultimate word) service we are not receiving from Bolton Council.

Four weeks on the trot now, our bins in Sunny Garth have not been emptied.

I can understand whilst the snow was here that they did not come but . . .

Last week — black bins all put out, street absolutely fine to We as a street simply cannot go another week without a collection.

When is this going to get sorted?

The street behind us were emptied. What has the coucil got to say about this?

Helen Mann Sunny Garth Westhoughton