Isn't it time to start a campaign to rid Bolton Council of party politics?

For the 50 or so years I've lived in the town, we've had a succession of councils led by one party or another - and, to be quite frank, just look at the mess they've left Bolton in.

It only takes a look through your Letters columns to see some of the ludicrous decisions that have been made and how much dissatisfaction exists among the voters.

Many of these decisions are passed on a "block vote" system, with our local representatives blindly following the party whip and no potent opposition.

In the next local elections, how about banning party politicians altogether, and just electing independent councillors who know their area and aren't looking over their shoulder every time they vote?

Of course, it's difficult for an independent to stand alone against the might of a party machine, so how about an active campaign by all future independents to raise their profile?

Maybe we could start by being allowed a vote for an independent mayor?

Alec Martin, Elliott St, Bolton