I was very pleased to learn that the public inquiry into the siting of two massive 95 metre wind turbines at Uglow Farm near Edgworth has recommended refusal of the plans.

Having attended the inquiry and the subsequent site visit with the inquiry inspector, I was most interested to listen to the arguments for and against these machines.

However, the walk with the inspector to the cotton-grassed Hog Lowe Pike above Uglow Farm, with the incredibly rugged and beautiful vista across Musbury Heights and the Grane valley to Haslingden, clearly had a stunning effect on both the inspector and those present on the walk. My subsequent examination of the inquiry report confirms the inspector's deep appreciation of the area.

I quote from his report: "Part of what makes the place remarkable, in my opinion, is its proximity to the towns and roads in the adjacent valleys and the juxtaposition of the open moors to the bustle in the crowded valleys.

Seen in that context, the proposed turbines would intrude into an otherwise largely unspoilt skyline, the moving rotors contrasting with the still and silent hills, so emphasising the incongruity and dominance of these large structures."

May this report and these words in particular echo in the minds of those who would wish to advance proposals for any further massive wind turbine developments on the West Pennine Moors.

Dr IGV James Chapeltown Road Bromley Cross.