I RARELY agree with Andrew Davidson, however, his letter dated July 2, is spot on regarding asylum seekers, illegal immigrants and the many others who do not want to be part of our society.

David Cameron and others should realise that it is not coincidence that since Blair opened the floodgates and allowed unhindered access to the UK for all the Eastern Europeans, that unemployment has increased drastically and that our schools, social housing and hospitals are stretched to breaking-point.

A recent survey showed that five per cent of social housing is taken by non-UK born people and for certain jobs you need to speak an Eastern European language. This surely cannot be right. As Mr Davidson says, this is not racism, but an economic fact. Tens of millions of taxpayers’ pounds are being sent out of this country in the form of benefits paid to non-British subjects.

The politically correct Liberals will shaking with indignation at what they see as racist remarks when all they are are facts.

David Cameron is correct when he says family allowances should be limited, but to say anyone under 25 should lose housing benefits is discriminatory and wrong.

Many people under 25 work and, due to poor pay and the chronic shortages of real jobs, they need help. Unfortunately, David and Co have never lived in the real world. Every thing has been done for them or given to them on a silver platter.

It is time they woke up. Hard times really do need hard measures, and not just measures that attack the poorest in society. It is time that this Coalition started ensuring that British jobs go to British people.

Iain Camick Westhoughton