I AM writing to say I totally agree with Andrew Davidson’s comments (Your Letters, July 2) regarding the amount of money we seem to be throwing at everyone who washes up on our shores.

I am not racist, I am all for integration and multi-culturism, but when we are struggling to feed our own; handouts to immigrants (legal or otherwise), asylum seekers and all non-UK citizens have to stop.

We are the laughing stock of Europe. Here is an example of the mockery these people are making of the system.

I work in a local waste recycling plant/scrapyard which is fully supportive of an initiative launched by Greater Manchester Police to reduce scrap metal theft. Part of this initiative requires us to ask for photo ID along with a recent utility bill before we will purchase any metals. Recently, a Hungarian gentleman was trying “weigh in” some scrap and was asked for his ID. In his best broken English, he informed us that he only had one form of ID on him which he promptly produced.

It was his Jobseekers’ paperwork. So not only was he able to claim more benefits than anyone indigenous to this island, he was perfectly free to work for “cash in hand”.

Yet our homegrown are being told that their benefits are being cut, there are no pay rises (unless of course they’re on benefits or in the public sector), taxes are rising on everything and it’s only going to get worse.

As Mr Davidson says, charity really does begin at home and I too will vote for anyone who has the guts to stand up and give his support to the growing number of us who have had enough.

Andrew Fraser Blenheim Road Bolton