IT is five years since the smoking ban was introduced, and some say that the pub has been the casualty.

It is true, we have seen several pubs close, in and around the town centre, and this seems to reflect the situation throughout the country. But is this really due to the smoking ban?

I feel that this has more to do with cheap supermarket booze and the over-abundance of cheap booze outlets. Pubs cannot compete.

Many people now prefer to drink at home. It is cheaper and there’s no hassle.

Others, especially younger drinkers, like to top-up on cheap booze before they head to the pub, bar or club. Many now prefer illegal social drugs, or so I am told.

The traditional English pub is an institution. The Government and the brewers need to get together to try to save the pub, before it's too late. But allowing smoking in them is definitely not the answer.

Brian Derbyshire Ribchester Grove Bolton