If you fancy yourself as a fashion designer, then Project Runway is the game for you.

Anyone who has seen the reality television series upon which this is based will understand the concept and this is a good gaming interpretation.

The game gives you a theme, a time limit and some materials and from those resources you have to produce a stunning, sexy outfit.

And with this title, you can actually take to the catwalk yourself.

Project Runway introduces you to the real life judges and they include the gorgeous Heidi Klum. The judges cast their eye on your creations — each one placed on a host of models that you can also slap make-up and accessories on.

As you can probably tell, the game is aimed squarely at girls and it’s the modern equivalent of dressing up a Barbie doll but with a greater range of clothes and someone to criticise your efforts later.

Overall rating: 4/5