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Death Notice

Kenny EDGE

Published on 02/09/2024

EDGE Kenny To family and friends of the late Kenny, the wake will be at Regent Park Golf Club on Monday 16th September.


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Arthur Goodwin September 10th, 2024
Have known Kenny for 58 years. He was in Edbros training school when I started work there in 1966.
Our paths crossed many times during our apprenticeship.
He was a great guy always willing to help and give advice. I had my first golf lesson off Kenny when purchasing golf clubs from him and was later on a fellow member atRegents Park.
He will be sadly missed.
david grime September 3rd, 2024
It’s a very sad time.I have had the privilege of knowing and being the friend of Kenny for over 50 years, always easy to talk to, knowledgeable and a great memory for names and faces. He will be sadly missed. RIP.