HEALTH professionals in in the region have prepared themselves for a potential mass infection of a killer disease.

They staged a mock outbreak of Legionella at Bolton Arena.

It involved a practical exercise with information about cases that led to the identification of a spa pool as the source of infection.

Enforcement officers from each of the 10 Greater Manchester local authorities took part.

They were joined by colleagues from the Health Protection Agency, Regional Laboratory, the Health and Safety Executive, the Greater Manchester Health Protection Unit and private companies who would be involved in sampling and analysis.

Judith Chaloner, a Health Protection Agency consultant, said: "The event has been a very positive exercise and we now have the opportunity to review the protocol following its practical implementation."

Cllr Ismail Ibrahim, Bolton Council's executive member for adult services, added: "I would like to pay tribute to the work that's going on across Greater Manchester.

"I would encourage all businesses with cooling towers, evaporative condensers, spa pools or air scrubbers to be aware of the risks and ensure they carry out risk assessments and appropriate maintenance."

A Legionnaires' disease outbreak killed seven people in Barrow in Cumbria four years ago.

Almost 200 people fell ill during the outbreak in August 2002 and the source was traced to the town's Forum 28 centre.

The borough council and an official were later fined for breaching Health and Safety rules.