A DECISION to reduce Crompton Way from two lanes to one has been branded "ridiculous".

Council officials want to cut the road - one of Bolton's busiest - down to one lane in both directions for a half-mile stretch between its junctions with Tonge Moor Road and Thicketford Road.

The axed lane will be replaced with cycle lanes and there will also be on-street parking bays and pedestrian refuges.

The speed limit will be cut from 40mph to 30mph.

But the proposal has been opposed by Conservative councillors who say the £55,000 scheme will create more misery for motorists.

They have demanded a review of the decision by Cllr John Byrne, Bolton Council's executive member for environmental services, to approve the scheme.

He was acting on the advice of highway officers who said there were concerns about the speed and volume of traffic.

There were 19 accidents on the stretch of road between 2003 and 2006 resulting in 27 casualties, seven of whom were seriously injured and three of whom were children.

Of 140 residents who responded to a survey on the proposal, 89 gave their support, 35 opposed it and 15 had no firm view.

Now that Conservative councillors have "called in" the decision to be reviewed, it will go before the environmental services scrutiny committee on Wednesday.

They say the plan is similar to a scheme which reduced Moss Bank Way to one lane between Blackburn Road and Johnson Fold in 1998, and which they have pledged to scrap if they return to power.

Cllr Stuart Lever said: "This scheme is absolutely ridiculous. It's another example of Labour's anti-motorist policy.

"They say it will not increase journey times significantly, but even if that's true, people will perceive it to be the case.

"They will start rat-running on minor roads and that could cause more accidents."

Cllr Lever, who would prefer to see improvements at the junctions where he says most of the accidents occur, added: "This will damage the economy of the town because it will make it difficult for businesses to move goods from one place to another.

"It's not a great advert for Bolton when the town is trying to encourage people to invest here."

Tonge ward Labour councillor Nick Peel, said: "This is a bizarre call-in by Conservatives who have nothing to do with this ward.

"There's considerable support for this from local people.

"Analysis of the Moss Bank Way scheme shows reducing the number of lanes has reduced accidents and has no impact on journey times."

Liberal Democrat environment spokesman Cllr Roger Hayes, said the party was inclined to support the scheme, but would listen to all the arguments.

Members of the scrutiny committee could decide to take the matter to full council, but even if that happens the most councillors can do is refer the decision back to Cllr Byrne. Council officers hope to have the road scheme in place by April.