PLANS to reduce a busy two lane stretch of ring road down to one lane have divided supporters and critics.

Labour councillors, heeding the advice of highways officers, say the scheme will reduce accidents and not increase journey times.

But Tories have branded the scheme for Crompton Way as "ridiculous" and anti-motorist.

The trouble with this plan is we can see both sides.

Obviously the number of accidents need to be reduced and perhaps a 30mph speed limit could work - but that could be argued for most roads.

On the other hand it is difficult to see how reducing traffic to one lane and cutting 10mph off the speed limit will not mean an increase traffic congestion and longer journey times.

Other stretches of this road, which can easily take two lanes of traffic for most of its route, have already been reduced to one lane and a lot of frustrated drivers say it has actually increased their journey times.

Residents apparently support this plan but has anyone consulted the drivers about what they think? The thousands of motorists who use the roads every day and pay their taxes are in the majority here but no-one has seen fit to ask what their views are - it is about time they did.