AN Italian restaurant in Smithills is looking to convert its first floor into a private dining room, and extend its opening hours.

Cafe Italia, based in Moss Bank Way, has applied to Bolton Council for permission to change the use of part of its building, which is currently used as a cookery school.

Owners also want permission to open until 9.30pm on Sundays, an increase of 5.5 hours, but shut an hour earlier from Mondays to Thursdays.

Councillors will debate the application at Thursday’s meeting of the planning committee, which officers are recommending they approve for a year so the impact on residents could be measured.

The report also asks councillors to consider barring the restaurant from opening on Bank Holidays, so that nearby residents aren’t disturbed.

It says: “With regard to the proposed hours of operation it is considered that given the residential nature of the area and the likelihood that a function room/private dining room will cater for larger groups, which may involve more noise and disturbance from music and activity.”

The planning committee will meet at 2pm on Thursday, January 15 at Bolton Town Hall.