YOUNG Emily Abercrombie is shown some of Horwich's rich historical past by Stuart Whittle, chairman of Horwich Heritage Society.

Emily, aged eight, from Lostock, is pictured with Mr Whittle by a wooden mining tub at an exhibition at the town's heritage centre in Beaumont Road.

It is one of a number of artefacts from the past 200 years which have been put on display by the society.

Other items include a gatepost from the Fall Birch Toll Bar, on show for the first time since the Bolton to Horwich turnpike closed 130 years ago.

For 50 years in the 19th century the toll bar was a main feature of the turnpike, which ran along today's Chorley New Road. The gatepost was found in a farmer's field and has been restored for the exhibition.

Mr Whittle said: "These two items will be on display for quite a while. The mining tub was given to me by a friend."