A GIANT seven-storey apartments block with a viewing tower on top has rung alarm bells among councillors.

It forms part of a scheme to demolish a Bolton mill and replace it with 144 apartments.

Bolton Council's planning and highways committee put a decision on the plans for the Union Mill site, in Vernon Street, on hold so they could visit it and find out more about the scheme.

Councillors raised concerns about the size and design of the development, which would have three four-storey blocks around the seven-storey building with the viewing tower on top.

Applicant Dewhurst Dent says each apartment would have its own balcony, while the existing basement car park, which has 120 spaces, would be retained.

Cllr Linda Thomas said: "I'm all for getting rid of mills which are not being used and doing nothing for the heritage of the town, but this is an absolutely massive development.

"It's just a bit alarming how big this is."

Planning officer Andrew Lancashire described the design of the scheme as "excellent" in his report.

But Cllr Thomas said that with a flat roof, the new building would resemble Skagen Court, a 1960s block of flats in School Hill demolished by Bolton Council in 2004 and replaced with new homes.

Cllr John Walsh said: "I find it hard to conceive what an eight-storey building would be like on that site and I would like to see a photo-montage.

Committee chairman, Cllr Nick Peel said: "This is a design issue, not a regeneration issue."

Cllr David Wilkinson said: "We need more detail and information because this is a huge development of apartments with all the issues that go with it."