PENSIONER Gladys Settle's lifetime of devotion to the church and charity earned her a special meeting with the Queen.

Mrs Settle, aged 78, of Little Lever, who worships at St Matthew's Church, Little Lever, was among 81 women and 81 men chosen to receive the Maundy money from the Queen at Manchester Cathedral last Thursday.

Mrs Settle has served on St Matthew's church council and has been a member of the Mothers Union for 45 years.

She has arranged flowers in the church every week for 43 years and is also the manager of the Bolton Hospice charity shop in Little Lever, where she has worked as a volunteer for 10 years.

Mrs Settle, who met the Queen for the first time, said it was a "wonderful experience".

She said she was "surprised, but very pleased" to have been nominated to receive the Maundy money.