KEARSLEY was invaded by Minions, The Wizard of Oz characters and Edward Scissorhands when its first ever scarecrow festival came to town.

Kearsley held its festival over the weekend with thousands of people turning out to see more than 211 straw statues.

The huge collection was designed and built by local residents, schools and businesses including Kearsley Academy, whose pupils pulled together to make 20 scarecrows.

Organiser Stephen Tonge said: “It was a fantastic day with people from not just Kearsley joining in but also Salford, Horwich and Chorley.

“We were blessed with the weather and I think the big winner on the day was the social side of things.

“It was great to see so many people walking around chatting — it reminded me of when we didn’t have so many cars on the roads and people did a lot more walking and talking around the streets.

“Without a doubt there will be a second festival to come.”

Organisers cleaned up before the festival got going with a litter pick of the main roads, ahead of the event.

Joan Calvert, of Springfield Road, enjoyed the array of scarecrows with her granddaughter, Megan, aged nine.

She said: “They have all been fantastic, there’s a really good one on Holcombe Crescent which has to be my favourite – it’s Edward Scissorhands.

“We walked around for quite a while looking at them all and Megan definitely enjoyed it.

“It’s a really great idea to have the festival in Kearsley.”

Sue Jolley, of Melville Road, took her children, Lexie, aged nine and Archie, aged two, on the trail.

Ms Jolley said: “It’s great to get out of the house and do something a bit different — we’re really enjoying it so far.

“The kids seem to like it and it’s a good way of getting some exercise while they run around looking for the scarecrows.”

Also joining the Jolley’s was Leanne Cowell with Jessica Stowell, aged 11, and seven-year-old Charlie Stowell.

Eagley Junior School pupil Lexie added: “It’s really exciting, I loved the baby Minion scarecrow it was really funny.

“I’m looking forward to finding the rest.”

The three judges for the best scarecrow competition were the Mayor of Bolton Cllr Carole Swarbrick, Christina Cunningham, Miss Charity Bolton and Bury and Coronation Street’s Bruno Langley.

Proceeds from the event will go towards buying defibrillators for the area.