EATING pizza is something most children take for granted, but for many children of Chernobyl it is something they can only dream of.

But thanks to a local charity, underprivileged youngsters from the disaster-stricken area have spent four weeks in Bolton - and included in their fun-packed visit was a morning making pizza at a town centre restaurant.

The Friends of Chernobyl Children (Blackrod) charity brings children to Bolton every year and their month here - in which they breathe clean air and eat uncontaminated food - can extend their lives by more than two years.

It is 21 years since fire broke out in the power station at Chernobyl in the Ukraine.

The people of Belarus and the Ukraine were exposed to radiation 300 times greater than that released at the explosion of the first atomic bomb at Hiroshima.

Sadly even children born today are suffering from the effects of the radiation and it is still contaminating the food local people eat and the water they drink.

The birth rate in Belarus is now lower than the death rate and families suffer severe economic and social problems.

For the group of 17 youngsters - aged eight to 12 - coming to Bolton enables them to enjoy things they would otherwise not get the opportunity to see or do in the town of Mogilev in Belarus.

Nastya Puhlyakova is 12 and lives in an orphanage.

Sadly, Nastya's mother died some years ago and the youngster has been separated from her brothers and sisters.

Nastya said she had enjoyed her visit to Bolton. "I have enjoyed, very much, all the trips. It has been wonderful," she said.

Her friend, 11-year-old Vika Ilyushkina, paid tribute to the families who have hosted the children. She said: "They have all been friendly and treated us like their own children."

The youngsters have been on trips to Blackpool and to local schools as well as spending yesterday morning making - and eating - pizzas at Pizza Express in Wood Street, Bolton.

Interpreter Natasha Kozlovkya - who has travelled to Bolton with the children along with doctor Svetlana Shved - said it was a "marvellous opportunity" for the children.

If you would like to help the children, contact Joyce Beech at the Friends of Chernobyl Children (Blackrod) organisation on 01204 695898 for more information.