AS SUMMER blazes on the reservoirs around Bolton have been looking more than a little dry.

So far no hosepipe ban has been introduced but United Utilities water company has warned one could be on the horizon.

Above pictures show just how dry some of the reservoirs have become with receding water revealing the rocky bottoms of Anglezarke and Wayoh Reservoirs.

A spokesperson for United Utilities said: “The prolonged hot weather means the region’s reservoir stores have decreased slightly since last week, with some reservoirs, such as Anglezarke, looking more dramatic than others.

“The reducing reservoir levels are not surprising given the ongoing lack of rainfall and exceptionally high demand. We’re managing resources carefully, and our integrated network, which we’ve invested heavily in, does gives us the flexibility to move water around the region to reduce demand on those sources which are lower.

“We’re still encouraging our customers to voluntarily use water efficiently by avoiding the use of water hungry devices particularly outside in the garden.

"However, if demand does not reduce in the next few days we’ll have no choice but to introduce enforced restrictions.”

At the weekend the water company issued warnings to its customers on social media, via text and by email urging them to stay their sprinklers and ease off the baths in a bid to cope with demand.

The company said it had seen a "massive increase in water consumption" across its area during summer and an extra half a billion litres of water was used on both Friday and Saturday.

United Utilities said: "The demand is so high, particularly during peak times, that we are struggling to get enough water around the system quick enough."

On Twitter the company has been sharing tips from its customers to help save water, such as reusing water from rinsing vegetables on the plants and using a watering can instead of a hosepipe to keep the garden green.

Have you been making an effort to avoid a hosepipe ban? Email