I COULD not agree more with Iain Camick's letter Don't give in to EU (September 22).

It is time to put Project Fear into the population of the EU ­— tell them through their papers what will happen to their jobs if Junker, Tusk , Barnier and the rest of the un-elected EU gang don't come to an agreement, which gives Brittan free and open access to the single market.

They will not have free and open access to the EU's largest single market ­— us.

Millions of EU jobs will vanish, Ireland will suffer the most as we are their largest export market, German, French, Italian car manufacturers they will end up on three day weeks or even worse, wine producers no sales here, same for the farmers.

When the EU population see this, then they will force the Brussels gang to accept we are leaving and sign a deal.

We do not need the EU, but they needs our market, we can turn to the commonwealth and the rest of the world to get anything we use to get from them.

Put Project Fear to work for us.

Ian A Hardman
