MOTORISTS are urged to take extra care now that the clocks have gone back.

Research shows that drivers are 30 per cent more likely to be involved in a crash in the weeks that follow.

The research, which was carried out by insurance firm Insure the Box, showed that journeys made between 5 and 8pm in the month following the start of Daylight Saving Time are the most dangerous.

Peter Boulton, of Transport for Greater Manchester, said: “There’s plenty of things we can all do as motorists to help prevent collisions and breakdowns, ranging from avoiding unnecessary travel during peak times and watching our speed, through to ensuring that our vehicles have good tyre tread and that oil levels are topped up.

“But the most important advice, as is evidenced through this data, is that everyone should just take extra care when driving at night especially given the reduced visibility and that vehicles are well maintained and able to deal with the winter weather.”