WE understand that this year the Royal Bolton Foundation Trust has to make savings of over £15 million, and that one of the services selected for cuts is the special health service for vulnerable children, a service ranked as `outstanding` recently.

Staff are to undergo re-structuring and loss of pay grades, and this at a time when nurses are known to be attending food banks, and of course this vital service for young people must suffer if less money is being spent on it. This is unacceptable.

It is galling that cuts are imposed on the staff of Foundation Trusts when literally millions of pounds are spent on Consultants such as Deloitte Touche, and on managing the competitive tendering process, on the back-room boys managing procurement of contracts, about which we know nothing because their work is `commerically sensitive` and the public excluded from any meetings.

Millions are spent on the hierarchy of management in NHS England and NHS Improvement and their Board members, some of whom sit in the House of Lords. Are these people being re- structured and having their pay cut?

It is even more interesting that the cuts are being imposed at all given politicians keep assuring us austerity is over and the NHS awarded an increase?

Why are the cuts ongoing and why are they falling on those at the coal face some of whom have to approach food banks, whilst doing a vital job?

This should not be happening and the managers at the hospital should think again.

Alan Johnson

Save Bolton NHS