The ladies section at Deane Golf Club had a harvest festival day after one of their members proposed an idea to give something back to the community.

Pravita Parmar said: “I remember attending school where on harvest festival day all the children would bring something non-perishable to assembly and then donated to a charity.

“I just thought it would be a lovely thing to do to give something back to the community.”

Harvest festival day was on Sunday and Deane Ladies Section held theirs on Wednesday.

All the ladies at Deane Golf club supported the idea  and over the last two weeks donated very Generously to the cause. 

Lady's team captain Judith Atkinson added: "It was a brilliant suggestion and together with the Ladies Committee we have chosen to donate everything to the Salvation Army. 

According to Ms Parmar, the event was a huge success and is hoped that it will now be held annually.