RALF Little has uncovered an innocent letter from his childhood which has 'not aged well'. 

In it the Bolton actor asked disgraced TV personality Jimmy Savile for his help to draw more like Rolf Harris.

But the youngster could never have expected the horrors which unfolded decades later.

The letter was written when Ralf was just seven years old and, more than anything, just wanted to be good at art.

He was especially fond of doodling cartoon characters and included a scattering of his attempts at well-known kids' favourites, such as Fred Flintstone, Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam.

With a head full of dreams, he wrote to then popular family tv show Jim'll Fix It in the hope that his wishes to be like his hero Rolf Harris might come true.

Posting the letter on Twitter, The Royle Family star said: "Bearing in mind “Jim” is of course “Savile” this letter has not aged well."

He is not wrong considering both Savile and Harris have since been found to have committed of a number of sexual offences, many involving underage children.