Bolton TUC is committed to challenging racism wherever it rears its ugly head.

We have stood with anti racists on national as well as local demonstrations over many decades.

At our February delegate meeting, concern was expressed at the refusal of Boris Johnson to comment on the views of Andrew Sabisky, one of his advisers. Sabisky believes black people are mentally inferior. Though pressure from anti-racists has led to his resignation, Johnson has failed to condemn Sabisky.

With the rise of far right,racist governments across Europe and the USA, there has been a rise in hate crime. If government leaders seem to feel free to make racist comments, then racists in the wider population feel emboldened to attack members of ethnic minority communities.

Bolton TUC will be bringing its banner to the United Nations Anti-Racism Day Demo in London on March 16th. Buses will be organised with Bolton Stand Up to Racism, and details will be online soon.

In the meantime, we call upon all political parties in Bolton to condemn all forms of racism, and take action against any member who engages in or promotes hate speech.

If we cannot ensure local politicians’ integrity at this time of heightened tensions, then the racists will be strengthened in their attempts to divide workplaces and communities. These divisions weaken our attempts to build a fairer society, with decent wages, and secure pensions and welfare arrangements for everyone.

Bolton TUC is committed to do all in its power to promote unity amongst the many, and fight for better conditions for everyone, irrespective of colour, creed or sexual orientation.

Tom Hanley, Bolton TUC