A WOMAN has warned others to be wary of fraudsters after nearly becoming the victim of a telephone scam.

The resident, who lives in Great Lever, received a call on Saturday morning, from a woman claiming to be phoning from Amazon and told her she was about to be charged £39.99 for Google Services.

The caller, who phoned from a mobile number, told the woman that if she did not want the payment to go through she could dial "1", which she did.

She was transferred through to a man who explained he could stop the charge, but only if she typed in a code which would allow him to connect his computer to hers to stop the payment.

Alarm bells started ringing and the woman challenged the caller.

She said: "The call seemed so genuine and I thought I have to stop the charge.

"I was about to type the code in and a little birdie said to me not to do it – I also thought that I have not bought anything.

"I told him that I have been taught to never do anything like this over the telephone with people I do not know.

"He tried to persuade me and said he is not asking for any personal information from me and that 'I just need you to type in this code' which began with a 'T'.

"I was hesitant and said I do not think I should do this and he ended the call abruptly.

"I then phoned my bank and they said that without a doubt this was 100 per cent a scam.

"As soon as someone connects your computer to theirs they have total control over everything on your computer.

"They can read your emails, your bank details and take what they want.

"They also have the email and other personal details of all your contacts and can hack into and take control of their computers too."

The call left the resident feeling worried about the prospect of the financial damage that could have been caused to her.

She said: "It is quite frightening.

"I think people who make calls like this deserve to go to prison.

"They are being intrusive and violating people's privacy. It is unforgivable.

"I wanted to report the call for the benefit of others who may have the same unfortunate experience."

The resident reported the call to police.

Greater Manchester Police has been contacted for a comment on the case.

To report a suspicious call phone Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.