HERE'S a this week's charity champions. Well done to all those who are making a difference for those who need it the most.

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AN eight-year-old girl from Bolton donated her ponytail to charity after realising she wants to help others.

Faith Forshaw decided to have her very long hair cut and donate her hair to the Little Princess Trust .

The Little Princess Trust provides free real hair wigs to children and young people, up to 24 years, who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or other conditions.

Her mum Rachel Forshaw said that Faith was inspired to cut her hair after seeing a little girl on holiday with no hair.
Rachel said: “Faith is very precious about her very long blonde locks and is definitely due a cut. 

The Bolton News: Faith

“She never wants much taken off and freaks out at the discussion of more than a few inches. However, she recently saw a poorly little girl who had no hair. 

“Faith said that she wants to have hers cut to just below her shoulder level and send her excess to the little girls who cannot have hair because they are poorly and hopefully make them feel better.”

It costs the charity from £550 to provide a real-hair wig free-of-charge to its wig recipients. 

The charity currently supplies over 100 wigs every month. 
The Little Princess Trust needs financial donations as well as hair donations, in order to fund the actual manufacturing of the wigs and wig-fitting service. 

Every penny that you can raise, really does count. 

The charity is able to fund wigs for those undergoing cancer treatments for the duration of their hair loss and would generally expect a wig to last around 6-12 months. In the case of children and young people with hair loss due to any other condition, they can provide a single wig.

Faithwanted to raise £100 and she has already smashed her target but would like to get as much raised as possible to hemp as many people as possible.

Rachel added: “Faith is a bit apprehensive about having her hair cut but she was adamant to be able to donate her ponytail to charity.
“She wants to help the children who need a wig. If we can just help as many children as possible that would be fantastic.”

If you would like to make a donation then visit