'I HOPE my dad is proud of me’ – those were the heartbreaking words spoken by Taha Khan as he collected his GCSE results yesterday.

The Essa Academy pupil is the son of the talented and dedicated hospital consultant Dr Nasir Kahn, who paid the ultimate price for serving on the frontline in the battle against coronavirus.

Dr Khan, who lived in Bolton, died after contracting the virus at the age of just 46 in April.

He had been working at Dewsbury and District Hospital in West Yorkshire during the height of the pandemic.

The Bolton News:

(Dr Khan)

His 16-year-old son said he now, inspired by his father’s courage and compassion, wants to become a doctor.

Taha said: “I am proud of my results and I hope my dad is proud of me.

“I want to go to Runshaw College to do A-levels in biology chemistry and maths and follow in my dad’s footsteps, and study medicine and become a doctor.”

Taha received an outstanding set of results – two 9s, two 8s, distinction star, two 7s and a 6.

He paid tribute to his father as he went back to school for his results.

“My dad was working when the virus happened when others took time off to be safe he still went to work,” said Taha, one of three siblings. “I have done this for my father.”

He added: “Hopefully I can go to university.”

Taha: “I have only been at the school since Year Nine and it has been good and the teachers have been very supportive and helpful.”

Headteacher Martin Knowles said: “Taha is such a bright and motivated pupil from a wonderful family.

“Since joining Essa in Year Nine, Taha has worked incredibly hard in all his subjects and we wish him all the best for his future.”

The Bolton News:

( Azaan Hussain, Alok Jadua, Taha Khan and Kamrul Haq)

Taha joined his classmates to mark their outstanding achievements.

Bisan Absi achieved six 9s, two 7s and two 5s.

She said: “I feel amazing getting these grades, I have taken my education so seriously and then the exams were cancelled after how hard I worked. I was disappointed I didn’t sit my exams but thank goodness I got what I worked for.”

Bisan is also looking to study medicine after A-levels.

“I’m looking forward to going to getting into a routine again.”

Kamrul Haq, who achieved one 9, three 8s, one 7, distinction and two 6s. He is now looking to study engineering.

Kamrul said: “There is no other class like this, this has never happened to anyone in our age group.

“We have gone through a pandemic, we have missed out on so much like prom. But I’m sure we will will stay in touch.

“This school, in my opinion is one of the best, from the head to the staff they have a passion to make sure all of us are happy and safe, and enjoying our time here.

“The school is also investing in the facilities so we have a great experience.”

Mt Knowles said: “We are delighted to celebrate the GCSE results of the Class of 2020 after a challenge year for them and to see so many happy faces.

“We wish the well on their next step of their journey.

“A huge thank you goes to the staff as well as the parents and carers.”