OPPOSITION councillors in Bolton are seeking clarity on payments for those going onto self-isolation.

People in Bolton people on benefits and in work will be able to get £500 for going into self-isolation.

Cllr Sue Haworth, shadow cabinet member for wellbeing said this week that ‘there are matters we need clarity on’ regarding the measures.

She said: “There is to be a penalty for employers who punish those workers who are told to self-isolate by test and trace.

“Where is the detail on this?

“This aspect of the new policy is crucial.

“Many employers are looking after their staff yet there is poor practice employers’ workers need to be protected from.”

On the self-isolation amounts, she said: “It’s £500 to self-isolate for two weeks.

“Some people may manage but that depends on rent.

“On a 40-hour week you’re looking at £8.64 per hour and this will be hard for many. It is under the minimum wage for workers who are over 25.

“What about people who work and receive benefits including universal credit?

“Current policy means any additional income affects universal credit so there is need to understand the detail of how this will affect benefits.

“The government have said there will be a discretionary fund for people who ‘fall through the cracks’ on the £500 criteria, for instance people stuck in low pay but not currently on benefits.

“Their eligibility for the scheme is a real concern. 

Cllr Haworth added that the council must be fully reimbursed for this scheme as there is already a huge amount of need in the population in the Bolton Borough that requires help and support locally.”