A CAMPAIGN to install a flagpole at Dunscar War Memorial has raised over £2,000 following a crowdfunding push.

Firefighter Stacey Jeffries began the fundraising drive after attending recent Remembrance Day services and feeling that something was missing from the picturesque spot on Blackburn Road.

“I’m stationed at the fire station on Crompton Way and we have a flag pole there which we use for ceremonial purposes,” said Stacey. “Every year I go to the service at the war memorial but this year I thought I’d do something about it and I e-mailed Cllr David Greenhalgh, who lives in the area.

“He came back to me straight away and encouraged me to look into it. I think it would really add to the site, create a real community pride and offer some educational benefits for local school children.”

Stacey quickly got a quotation, set up a crowdfunding page and thanks to over 50 donations has now hit the initial target of £2,000.

“I’m hoping for it to be eight metres high,” added Stacey. “The site is so well maintained by the council and people love to sit there and watch the day go by so I thought it would be a worthwhile project.

“We’ve had some big donations from the Turton Scout Group, the Nook and Cranny and Bromley Cross Opticians but I’d like to thank everyone who has donated so far.”