A NEW food truck service is hoping to toast a success after it opened for business this weekend.

Around A Pound is based on the Jumbles Walk in Grange Road.

The horse-box conversion will cater for all winter walking needs, serving refreshments including fresh roasted coffee, speciality teas, luxury hot chocolates, toasties, sandwiches and a variety of sweet treats.

Owner Joe Rigby said: “We are called Around A Pound because our aim is to sell coffee at a fairer price than what you will see in a normal shop - we think there is a gap in the market for that. We have been testing all sorts of coffees to make sure we are serving the best for the customers.

“I did business at university and always wanted to do my own thing. As I have a passion for coffee and have had a lot of time over the last few months, I finally decided to do it.”

Joe, 24, said many of his influences came from travelling around South-East Asia, where he tried various coffees and is planning to bring them to his business.

Around A Pound will open from 9am to 4pm each day.

And the business said on social media that it has enjoyed a successful first weekend:

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