JURORS have formally acquitted a Bolton man and three others of the murder of a 34-year-old in a parish church yard.

But Lewis Peake, 30, Michael Wilson, 20, and two youths still face charges of manslaughter and conspiracy to rob Steven McMyler.

Trial judge Mr Justice Turner directed the Manchester Crown Court jury to formally find the four not guilty of Mr McMyler's murder after hearing legal submissions.

Prosecutors say Mr McMyler, after meeting Peake in Wigan town centre, had mentioned his £11,000 Rolex watch, which had been valued by Goldsmiths jewellers that day.

Peake, of James Street, Little Lever, is accused of enlisting the help of Wilson and two younger men, from Merseyside, to rob Mr McMyler.

The attack is alleged to have taken place in Wigan Parish Church gardens. The victim suffered a kick to the face which proved fatal.

Michael Brady QC, also told the court that Peake would not be giving evidence in his own defence, or calling any evidence, during the proceedings.

Jurors had earlier heard claims that Peake had fled with Mr McMyler's suitcase, as he lay dying in the church grounds.

Mr McMyler had been drinking in pubs on Wallgate, in Wigan town centre, after having his gold and stainless steel Rolex Submariner watch valued.

He met up with Peake, the court heard, and told him it was worth £11,250. Peake was then said to be determined to rob Mr McMyler, enlisting the help of three men who had stepped off a train.

The hearing has now been adjourned until Tuesday.