WE will soon be able to hug our loved ones once again, it is thought, as Boris Johnson is set to confirm the further easing of restrictions in England this week.

The Government wants to see 'intimate contact' between family and friends restored, as cabinet minister Michael Gove said the PM will confirm tomorrow the relaxation of rules for the next stage of the road map out of lockdown, which is due to take effect from May 17.

It will see most social contact rules outdoors lifted, although gatherings of more than 30 will remain illegal.

Indoors, the rule of six or two households will apply, with indoor hospitality, entertainment venues such as cinemas and soft play areas, the rest of the accommodation sector, and indoor adult group sports and exercise classes expected to reopen.

Speaking on BBC’s Andrew Marr Show this morning, Mr Gove said: “All being well, the Prime Minister will confirm tomorrow that there will be a relaxation, we’ve already indicated a proportionate relaxation on international travel, very limited at this stage because we have to be safe.

“In the same way, as we move into stage three of our road map it will be the case that we will see people capable of meeting indoors.

“And without prejudice to a broader review of social distancing, it is also the case that friendly contact, intimate contact, between friends and family is something we want to see restored.”

Mr Gove said the Government is reviewing whether pupils should continue to wear masks in schools from May 17.

Ministers have faced calls from union leaders for face coverings to remain in secondary schools and colleges, after they described plans to remove them as “unwise” at a time when Covid-19 infections remain in classrooms and not everyone has received a vaccine.

Education secretary Gavin Williamson had previously said the Government is planning to lift the face mask requirement in secondary schools from May 17.

When asked whether mask-wearing in schools will end, Mr Gove said: “What we want to do throughout is balance public health by making sure we can return to normal as quickly as possible.”

Latest figures show a third of UK adults are now fully vaccinated against Covid-19, with a total of 17,669,379 people having received both jabs – the equivalent of 33.5% of all people aged 18 and over.

England and Northern Ireland are both estimated to have given two doses to 33.6 per cent of their adult population, slightly ahead of Wales and Scotland.

The milestone was described as 'a testament to the extraordinary efforts of NHS staff and volunteers' by Boris Johnson.

On Friday, the Government announced plans to allow international travel from May 17 after months of banning most trips abroad.