LITTER pickers have breathed new life into an area which for many years has been a dumping ground.

Thanks to the efforts of Lever Edge Pickers, a group formed in March, wildlife has returned to the area and the brook is flowing once more on the site of Freshfield Avenue, Great Lever.

Members have described it as one of the worst flytipping hotspots but now it has become a beautiful green space for everyone to enjoy.

Carol Leigh, who helped form the group, said: “The first time I visited the site, I just could not believe it. There were mattresses, prams, bikes — there was everything.

“ We filled 1,381 bags from there, there was tonnes of rubbish.

“The first day we found a bag of false teeth honestly you would not believe what we have found.”

She added: “The stream is now flowing, because we have cleared it of the toys, prams, suitacases.

“You can now hear the birds singing in the area.”

Carol said: “The nicest part of doing this is when you stand back and hear the wildlife.”

And it is not only Freshfield Avenue where the group operates, it goes all over, lending a help to other litter picking groups too. And once the area has been cleaned up, residents keep it that way.

“When we clear and area, we go back about once a month and what we are finding is probably just half-a-bag of rubbish," added Carol.

“Some of the rubbish we are getting out is probably 10 years old, but the more people that get involved, the more we can clean up Bolton.”

And she said through the group and meeting other like minded groups, she has made dozens of friends.

Lever Edge Pickers has been supported by Bolton Green Umbrella, and received support from Pirate Packing and the local cricket club.

To find out more about the group visit its Facebook page Lever Edge Pickers.