A MUM who took up running in lockdown will compete in a 40-mile ultra marathon in memory of her stillborn son.

Katie Atkinson, 31, nearly died in January 2018 after collapsing on the bathroom floor while 21 weeks pregnant with son Jonah.

Katie, a community nurse, was taken to the Royal Bolton Hospital, where doctors discovered she had a rare condition, placenta accreta.

They had to perform an emergency hysterectomy to save Katie’s life, meaning Jonah was delivered stillborn.

Katie said: “Jonah is never far from our minds, and sharing his story and saying his name is very important, as baby loss is something a lot of people don’t want to talk about or address.”

To inspire her around the course she intends to carry an envelope containing Jonah’s name, as well as that of her nephew Declan, also stillborn in February 2021.

Since posting on her Instagram she was running with the babies’ names, Katie was contacted by other parents who experienced baby loss, and she will now take the names of more than 20 babies with her on the run.

Following the first lockdown she has run both the Bolton Marathon and the London Marathon virtually.

She will run the 40-mile Warrington Way ultra marathon for two charities - 4Louis, which supported Katie and her family after Jonah was born, and Adoption UK, who helped her and her husband during the adoption process for their second daughter in December 2019.

Katie said: “4Louis provided us with a cuddle cot, which meant we were able to spend precious time with Jonah in the hospital room, and also a memory box, so we now have his handprints, footprints and photographs. I’d love to raise as much money for these charities as possible to help other families who may be facing a similar situation as we did when we lost Jonah.”

To donate to Katie’s run on Saturday, go online to uk.virginmoneygiving.com/KatieAtkinson10/1 or you can follow her progress on Instagram @katie.runss