BOLTON Town Hall will turn orange tonight and for the rest of the week to shine a light on the devastating impact of domestic violence and abuse.

The illumination of the civic building is part of a campaign to raise awareness of the crime and highlight the support available.

The Eyes Wide Open campaign, organised by Bolton Safeguarding Adults Board and wider safeguarding partners, launches today.

Bolton Town Hall will be lit up in orange for a week to mark the week of action.

Eyes Wide Open aims to encourage victims, friends, and family to recognise the signs of domestic abuse and violence and report it.

Signs to look out for include:

• Personality changes, particularly becoming withdrawn.

• Losing contact with family and friends and not attending social functions.

• The person is rarely alone and they are constantly checked up on through calls and messages.

Domestic abuse is any form of abuse committed by partners, former partners, or family members and can affect victims of all ages and backgrounds.

Many victims are reluctant to come forward, but domestic abuse is never acceptable.

Cllr Susan Baines, Executive Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Bolton Council’s Domestic Violence Champion, said:

“Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence or abuse, and we all have a responsibility to keep our Eyes Wide Open for the signs.

“Abuse in any form is never acceptable and the best way to protect yourself is to come forward and get the help you need to make it stop."

The best way to protect yourself or a loved one is to seek support and advice from a trusted local service such as the Bolton Safeguarding Adults Team on 01204 337000 or Fortalice on 01204 365677

Bolton Council’s Executive Cabinet Member for Adult Services, Cllr Andy Morgan, said:

“This week-long campaign is also a great opportunity for all of us to learn more about the support available to help end domestic violence."