READERS of The Bolton News have expressed concern over possible plans to scrap free prescriptions for the over-60s.

The government revealed it was considering the move last year, and while there has been no official confirmation of a policy shift yet, there are concerns over the potential impact of such a move.

Commenting on The Bolton News Facebook page, Katie Rebecca Bond said: “That’s disgusting! Obviously, people over 60 will probably have more medication too so it’s all about money.”

Stephen Gregory said: “It’s totally ridiculous. Most of these people have worked all their lives, and paid into the system. First they have to choose between ‘heating and eating’ and now an extra cost they have to weigh up. What happened to the government being there for the people?”

Cllr Sue Haworth, shadow adult services cabinet member, said: “The average income of 60 to 66-year-olds in the borough is nowhere near that of places like Dorset and Gloucestershire.

“We have some of the lowest average incomes of 60 to 66-year-olds in the country here in Bolton.

“That’s why Bolton Labour put a motion before full council against this move making us one of the first councils in the country to vote against it.”

Councillors discussed the possible changes in November.

Cllr Haworth added: “Pre-payment certificates to reduce costs for those with a number of regular prescription items, and also the prescription payment exemptions system for various diseases, simply does not go far enough.

“Large numbers of 60 to 66-year-olds all over the borough will be obliged to pay prescription charges and if they do not, a fine system kicks in.”

Readers were concerned those hitting 60 would struggle to pay fees, especially as the annual increase of prescriptions is still expected to take place in April. Last year, the cost went up from £9.15 to £9.35.

Denita Holland said: “I’m on a repeat prescription and I get 22 items.

“If this comes in force, I won’t be able to get my medication. If you can afford to pay, then okay. But what about those that can’t?”